Saturday, April 19
Pssst! Can You Hear Me?
I'm a bit concerned. Apparently, as a way to market an upcoming show, the use of hypersonic sound makes it sound like you have someone whispering in your ear. Without your permission. It's covered in an article in Wired Magazine called "It's All in
Your Head" which also talks about TMS. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation...a process where parts of your brain are stimulated and your behavior and motor skills are effected. Now in the case of epilepsy, TMS seems like a great development. But my question is: Is impending mind control on the horizon? Could the experiments in the book I recommended (The Brain That Changes Itself) become learning to play the piano? Let's see, how can we market THAT?!
I don't know about you, but I don't want people poking around in my brain unless I ask them to. As a creative person, what happens to say, proprietary ideas and information? Recent movies like Minority Report, Paycheck, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind have ventured into the realms of digging around in our brains, as well as numerous other media. That notwithstanding, our basic privacy is at stake here if the view is only 'mind/people control.' What if instead, a collective group of people all agreed to have their brains connected to create solutions for the world? I stand for possibility. I have been often called idealistic, but I am not afraid of dreaming...even if someone might be listening. Hey wait, maybe they're not MY dreams!?
At the Conference on World Affairs I attended recently, I genuinely got the message that it's up to "WE THE PEOPLE" to take a stand for our rights and liberties. The article in Wired says the same thing in its closing. Our civll liberties sound like they are increasingly at risk. How did we get here? By being apathetic...and feeling powerless. I've heard over and over again that the greater percentage of wealth is controlled by the smallest percentage and while that may be a fact, that very statement stunts possibility. I say it's time for the growing 'middle class' to take a stand. If we are growing and we unite, we are the majority!